Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It Haunts Me

It originated in Chicago and was syndicated in a few areas around the country, including the city of my childhood, Dallas, and it was the weirdest, creepiest children's show I have ever seen, like some methed-out version of Sesame Street. So naturally I want to share. I give you The Gigglesnort Hotel:

I'm sure the creators are perfectly lovely, nondemented people, but my sense is that if they televise a children's show in Hell, it's this one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heh heh. Yeah, that show was super crazy. And, I like to think that b/c I was even younger when it was on (I have only the fuzziest of memories from around age...3 or 4?) that it has completely demented me on a permanent basis.

I'm just a bit disappointed that the only clips on YouTube (I'd seen these both before myself) don't really do justice to the utter weirdness that I vaguely recall (tho that blob clip was pretty freaky).

Anyhoo, if you wanna see another show (apparently) aimed at kids that is possibly even odder, check out "The Adventures of Mark Twain": http://youtube.com/watch?v=ak3z2Pm7Iwg
